Technological Association Malaysia

TAM Selangor Branch 78th Annual General Meeting 2025


Notice is hereby given that the 78th AGM of Selangor Branch will be held at the date, time and venue below:

Date            :  22nd February 2025, Saturday

Time            :  9.30 am – 12.30 pm

Venue         :  Asia Pacific University of Technology & Innovation (APU)

Auditorium 3, Block A, Level 3,

Jalan Teknologi 5, Taman Teknologi Malaysia,

Bukit Jalil, 57000 Kuala Lumpur.



  •   9.30 am    : Registration of Members (Physical)
  •   9.50 am    : Adjourn to meeting room
  • 10.00 am    : PreAGM Talk by Ts. Dr. Law Foong Li- AI In Malaysia: Present and Future 
  • 11.00 am    : AGM and Election of Committee Members
  1. Welcome Address by Ts. Eng Poh Teik – Chairman of Selangor Branch 2024/2025
  2. Call to order the 78th AGM.
  3. Confirmation of the minutes of the last 77th AGM.
  4. Receipt and adoption of the Branch Annual Report 2024/2025.
  5. Receipt and adoption of the Branch Audited Account Statements for the year ended 2024.
  6. Election of chairman, two Vice Chairman, six Committee Members and two Honorary Auditors for 2025/2026.
  7. To discuss any other matters.
  8. Adjournment.
  • 12.00 pm    : Lucky Draws
  • 12.15 pm    : Networking Session
  • 12.30 pm    : Conclusion of AGM + Lunch


AGM registration form:

(note: Kindly pay 2025 membership renewal fee to be eligible to vote and participate in lucky draw)

Bank into AC No:014169506507, MAYBANK under the name of “Technological Association Malaysia”.

(Write applicant name & membership number on the bank in slip & email to [email protected])

Kindly update your latest membership details on TAM website as we are updating the membership database.

Check your TAM membership number here:

Thank you.