Technological Association Malaysia

TAM Selangor Branch 75th Annual General Meeting 2022

Attn: All TAM Selangor Branch Members:


Notice is hereby given that the 75th AGM of the Selangor Branch will be held at the following:
Date : 26th February 2022, Saturday
Time : 9.30 am
Venue : Hybrid
             Physical : PKT Logistics Group, Lighthouse Campus Auditorium, Level 2, No 1, Persiaran Sg Hampar, Sect 32,                     40460, Shah Alam, Selangor
             Online: Zoom Meeting


Programme of AGM

9.30 am : Registration of Members (Physical)

Door gifts will be given but limited to first 40 pax and stock availability

Note : Due to SOP, physical meeting limited to 80 members pre-register on link given below
Google registration form for physical attendance


Zoom Login of Pre-registered Members given link on your email (Online)
Note : Limited to 80 members pre-register on link given below

9.50 am : Adjourn to Lighthouse Campus Auditorium, Level 2 (Physical)


10.00 am : AGM and Election of Committee Members

Welcome Address by Ts. Zainah Rujihan
2021/2022 Chairman of Selangor Branch

1. To call to order the 75th AGM
2. To confirm the Minutes of the last 74th AGM
3. To receive and adopt the Branch Annual Report 2021/2022
4. To receive and adopt Branch Audited Final Account for the year ended 2021
5. Election of Chairman, two Vice Chairman, six Committee Members and two Honorary Auditors for 2022/2023
6. To discuss any other matters
7. Adjournment

11.30 am : Webinar Talks – “EV potential in Malaysia market and method forward from public”

by Dr. Terence Goh

12.15 pm : Lucky Draw : Samsung Galaxy Tab S7 or equivalent

Note : Only entitle for physical attendees

12.30 pm : Conclusion of AGM

Note : Light lunch & refreshment will be served at LH Café, Lev
75th TAM Selangor AGM Notice 1
75th TAM Selangor AGM Notice 1
75th TAM Selangor AGM Notice 2
75th TAM Selangor AGM Notice 2