Notice is hereby given that the 74th Annual General Meeting of the Technological Association Malaysia, Penang Branch will be held on Saturday 21st March 2021. This will be a virtual AGM.
Time: 10.00 am – Registration
1. Pre-AGM Technical Talk by Guest Speaker Dato’ Dr. Professor Ir. Goh entitled – Industrial Revolution 4.0 Towards Technological Success– 10.30am ~ 11.00am.
2. Welcome address by Ts. Alex Poo Teng Soo – TAM Penang Branch Chairman.
3. To confirm the minutes of the 73rd AGM held on 7th March 2020 at Shang Place Restaurant 70-1-69 D Piazza Mall, Jalan Mahsuri Bayan Baru, 11900 Bayan Lepas, Pulau Pinang.
4. To receive and adopt the Annual Report of the Committee.
5. To receive and adopt the Audited Statement of Account for the year ended 2020.
6. Introduction of TAM Penang Branch Chairman for the year 2021/2022.
7. To elect two Vice Chairman, 8-10 other members of the Committee and two Auditors for the ensuing year.
8. To transact any other business of which at least three (3) clear days’ notice in writing shall have been given to the Hon. Secretary.
By order of the Committee,
Tc. Balasubramaniam Sanyasi
Hon. Secretary, TAM Penang Branch

TAM Penang Branch AGM was successfully held on 21 March 2021 (Sunday). It was an online AGM where the committee (only) physically controlled the AGM using Google Meet platform. Total of 35 members attended the meeting. Before the AGM, Dato Professor Ts. Ir Dr. Eric Goh gave a very interesting talk on “A brief Introduction to the world of Mineral”, his sharing open the mind of all members on the latest development of mineral. After the talk, we begun the AGM which took about one and a half hours. The newly elected committee which led by Chairman Ts Alex Poo wish all members stay safe and safe at home during this pandemic. All TAM Penang future activities must strictly adhere to the government SOP.