Before proceed for the membership application, please read the following instruction.
Prepare a scan copy of the following, either in PDF or JPG format before proceed for the online application.
(Propose file name, Example : Applicant name is Ahmad, file name will be Ahmad 1.pdf, Ahmad 2.pdf or Ahmad 1.jpg, Ahmad 2.jpg)
A: Fellow/Member/Graduate Member or Associate
1. Scan true copy for all relevant Academic Qualifications/Professional Qualifications or any others relevant certification
2. Applicant passport size photo.
3. Scan copy of Bank in Slip.
Bank into AC No:014169506507, MAYBANK under the name of “Technological Association Malaysia”.
(Write applicant name on the Bank in slip, if the application is unsuccessful, refund of the payment will be based on the name and account number attached)
B:For student application
1. Scan copy of student identification card and SPM certificate.
2. Applicant passport size photo
3. Scan copy of NRIC
(IMPORTANT: Cross your IC and write “For TAM application ONLY”, under no circumstances will TAM be held responsible or liable in any way for any claims, damages, losses, expenses, costs or liabilities whatsoever if your NRIC is not crossed and stamped with “For TAM application ONLY”)
C. For Institutional Membership
1. Company logy in JPG format
2. Scan copy of Bank in Slip.
Bank into AC No:014169506507, MAYBANK under the name of “Technological Association Malaysia”.
(Write applicant name on the Bank in slip, if the application is unsuccessful, refund of the payment will be based on the name and account number attached)