Technological Association Malaysia

TAM Johor Branch Annual General Meeting 2022



Notice is hereby given that the 51st ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING OF TECHNOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION MALAYSIA, JOHOR BRANCH will be held as follows: –

DATE: 27 February 2022 (Sunday)

MODE: Hybrid

VENUE (PHYSICAL): Persatuan Cerebral Palsy Johor, Meting Room CPJ, No. 138, Jalan Dato Menteri,
80100 Johor Bahru, Johor (Note: Due to SOP, physical meeting only 15 branch members allowed)

VIDEO (VIRTUAL): Zoom Meeting (refer to the detail link in the email)

TIME: Registration (09.30 am – 10.00 am), AGM and Election of Committee Members (10.00 am – 12.00 pm)

a) Opening Welcome Address by Branch Chairman Session 2021-2022
b) Confirmation of Minute of the 50th Annual General Meeting
c) Branch Annual Report for Session 2021-2022
d) Branch Audited Statement of Account for the year ended 2021
e) Appointment of two (2) Scrutineers
f) Election of Office Bearers for Session 2022-2023: –
i) Two (2) Vice Chairman;
ii) Three (3) to Twelve (12) Committee Members; and
iii)Two (2) Honorary Auditors
g) To transact any other business of which at least THREE (3) WORKING DAYS prior notice have been given to the Hon. Secretary
h) Branch Chairman Address Session 2022-2023
i) Adjournment

Honorary Secretary 2021
Technological Association Malaysia Johor Branch